I will be using this background that I made earlier:
And this image of A7X:
Let's start out by saving the images above to your computer or if you'd like you may use your own. Then start Gimp.
Step 1: Open up both images separately in Gimp. To do so hover over File and click Open... Then find your image, click on it and click Open. Once you have both images open, minimize the one called "a7xblendingimage.png" and proceed to Step 2.
Step 2: Make sure the background image is active and then hover over Layer and click on New Layer.
A window should pop up that looks like this:
Check off where it says "Transparency" and click OK.
Step 3: Bring back the image you previously minimized. Right-click on it and go to "edit" and then click "copy". Now you may close that image.
Step 4: Now the only image you should have open is the background. Right-click on the background, go to "edit" and click "paste into." The a7xblendingimage should now be on top of the background, centered in the middle. Move the image so that the bottom of the image is touching the bottom of the background.
Your screen should look like this:
Step 5: Next go to Layer and click "Anchor Layer" or press ctrl+h.
Step 6: We will now be selecting the area we want to keep. Click on the Free Select Tool in your toolbox. It's the one that looks like a lasso. Then draw around the people in the image. Be careful not to draw over them, we don't want them to be missing parts. It's always best to not draw so closely to them. Leave a bit of background around them so that they don't get blended completely into the background.
Step 7: Go to "Select" and click "Invert" or press ctrl+i.
Step 8: Then go back to "Select" and click "Feather..." A window should pop up that looks like this:
I'm going to Feather selection by 90 pixels like in the example above. The higher the number the more it feathers. I don't want it to feather so much so I'm going somewhere in between.
Once you put in 90 like the example above, click OK.
Step 9: Now go to "Edit" and click on "Clear" or you can press "Delete" on your keyboard. Notice how the area you didn't select disappeared? If you want the image to be feathered more you can hit "Clear" again. I like the way it is now but I see the outline of the image so I'm going to use a brush to get rid of it.
Click on the Eraser Tool (the pink rectangular shape) in your toolbox. Grunge brushes tend to work best for this so I'm going to use "Galaxy, Big." Once you have the brush, gently erase the outline.
When you are done proceed to Step 10.
Step 10: Go to "Image" and click on "Flatten Image."
Step 11: Go to "Select" and click "None."
You're done! To maintain the same quality it's best to save the image in .png format.
My Result:
If you'd like you can also blend in more images after Step 11 by starting at Step 2. All you have to do is add a new transparent layer and repeat.
Good luck!
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