Saturday, January 29, 2011

How To Remove Unwanted Objects

Ever wanted to try to remove something from an image but didn't how? Well you can via the clone tool!

To practice doing this we are going to be using the image below of Shim from the Sick Puppies.

Step 1: Save image above^ to your computer and then open it up in Gimp.

Step 2: Next we will be removing the yellow sticker on the guitar and in order to do that we need to use the clone tool.

Clone Settings:
Mode: Normal
Opacity: 100%
Brush: Circle (11)
Scale: 3.53

Once you apply the settings you're ready to start cloning!

Keep in mind that these settings should not be used for every image. Some images require that you use a fuzzy circle brush instead (ex. faces). The scale of the brush also varies.

Step 3: Now this is where things may get tricky. We need to select the area that best fits the area where the yellow sticker is. To do this you have to press ctrl and left click on your mouse.

Let's use this area:

Basically what we are going to do is take that sample of the guitar that we selected and place it over the yellow sticker. It's the same as copying and pasting.

Step 4: Now that your area is selected, hover over the yellow sticker but make sure that the circle stays within the guitar.

Like this:

When you have your circle positioned in the correct area left click on your mouse. If your positioning was correct then it should look like the sticker was never in the image. :)

There's a lot you can do with the clone tool. Play around with it to see what happens!

My result:

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